By Verda

Request for Ideas: Going Forward Together to Save Our Country, Democracy, and Our Planet


A Brief Preamble...

“To continue to exacerbate public stability, security, and mental stability – Trump is fueling mass confusion and suspicion with the psychological projection of fear in his Republican political base and how they act out their fears. ... This is caused by Trump in his refusal to concede the choice of the mass majority of Americans who elected Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to become President and Vice President. Biden won by more than 7 million popular votes of the people and 36 electoral Votes above the required 270 electoral votes. On Monday, December 14, 2020 the Electoral College officially endorsed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump is still trying to subvert the will of the voters in this election where there has been a complete absence of evidence of widespread fraud, justified by several recounts in battleground states.

Trump has not conceded the election, claiming the election was stolen by reinforcing multiple conspiracy theories and claims of widespread voter fraud. He has inculcated fear and hatred by projecting his nemesis – “one who imposes retribution” - from the extension of his name, trumpery. He uses any “strategy calculated to deceive by false show; anything externally splendid but intrinsically of little value; worthless finery.” I just love Webster’s Unabridged for making it plain!

We witness Trump’s massive manipulation and deception of his Republican base as they target his anger essentially, against the Constitution of the United States of America and Democrats, in general. Trump encouraged the “set-up” for 106 House Representatives who joined 17 state attorneys general in support of a Texas lawsuit challenging the election. President Trump called Texas Representative, Mike Johnson to “spearhead the effort to round up support” for the Texas lawsuit, according to a 12-11-2020 article in the Washington Post.

Imagine the psychological state of all of the American people. White supremacy radical groups are more prominent; and, police brutality has become more rampant. … Republican voters don’t want to lose face in the eyes of their political leaders, family members, and neighbors - so they lose faith in a future of true humanity and blindly follow the base at the bottom. This is occurring in the social height of multi-ethnic national and international support of the Black Lives Matter movement. In spite of this mental and physical manifestation from without...descendants of Kemet continue to be compelled to reinforce the urgency to plan and work together in various venues to Save-Our-Selves. Now, back to activating solutions in our interest of maintaining well-being within the microcosm of our families and communities.

Active participation allays or eliminates fear and doubt. We reinforce self-confidence as we Save-Our-Selves…we have waited long enough! Kemetic descendants living in America represent the height of character, ethics, and resiliency throughout our experiences in this American environment with our population of more than 40 possibly 60 million people – working to maintain our households and educate our children.” excerpted from: Verda H. Olayinka, Activating Social Solutions: Essential Keys to Progress, 2nd Ed. (2020) p. 171-2.

Thank you Honorable Bernie Sanders for requesting our ideas in this outreach for thoughtful statements about the best way to move forward, “and, as you say, we have to go forward together.” I wrote Activating Social Solutions… to address the critical need for Kemetic descendants living in America (African / Black Americans – having genes of melanin no matter of our recent geographic sources… to work together to Save-Our-Selves.)

The realistic scenario you presented requires more elaborate remarks to enact a deeper reality for all Humans in the US and the World. The atrocities you mentioned are being perpetrated by those who have lost their humanity. It is impossible to reason with non-humans. How do we fight back? Our battle is mental. We look into Our Selves. Ignore all imaginary and deceptive identities designed to set us apart. We are all Human. As Humans, we all need fresh water. Our bodies thrive on healthy, unadulterated foods from an unadulterated food chain. We all need housing in geographically secure locations. The vast majority of us reside in an urban or suburban environment. Free and open supply chains are needed for mutual survival.

Another scenario for Our Selves as Humans … How would we react with one another if this world were to be invaded by aliens? It would seem that we would all fight together to defend Our Selves. We save the World from being torn apart by those who are not Human. A Non-Human is an Alien bent on destroying Planet Earth – their motivation is of no concern. Humans on the Earth and the Planet itself, are being destroyed by others against us all.

Let’s talk about this. Individuals, families, groups, communities that are no longer competing with each other can begin to think and plan constructive solutions that are not motivated by fear, wealth, greed, hate, etc., with an eye to our “Interdependence”– in an essence of Peace, Love, Discipline, and Tolerance” (1979, Mighty Sparrow). Many of us are living paycheck to paycheck. This lack of resources may be an illusion placed in our psyches to sow insecurity leading to fear, jealousy, feelings of impotency, fomenting competition and reacting with hate and aggression. It may be better to target our needs to strive for mutual collective well-being.

The best way forward is for progressive community members to organize at the local level. We see evidence of people focused on organizing, with objectives to take over local political venues. Tom DeWeese, CEO at The American Policy Center published The Activist’s Handbook: How to Fight Back in Your Community and supports this with an Activist’s Training Program providing the Activist’s Tool Kit. American Policy Center

The Handbook gives a detailed outline and critique of Agenda 21 and directs Conservative organizers to be effective “Citizen Ninjas for successful activism” (p. 21) “’Agenda 21’ is a plan, not a conspiracy. Nor is it a theory. In 1992, The UN Conference on Environment and Development took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They developed a plan, now extended from 2021 to 2030, to depopulate 95% of the World population. This genocidal agenda has already begun...” (2020, VHO, 167) I say to Tom DeWeese that with a revised frame of reference, and by creating a universal playing field, we could be allies. Progressive community members should use The Activist’s Handbook... as a source to understand the deep-seated concerns driving the conservative dialogue, in order to guarantee our mutual survival.

Herein lies the problem with limited time and space for elaboration. “Agenda 21” was carefully formed by a “high end” Stakeholder Council – not the Democratic Party. Trumpery deceptively points the blame and everyone’s ire towards the Democratic party. In many ways, politics of the Republican base is determined by their interpretation of and their opposition to “Agenda 21”, their basic beliefs and attitudes concerning diversity, and their economic insecurity. The stolen election dogma serves as a smoke screen to fuel fear of imposed retribution in loss of money or prestige into Republican elected officials, forcing them to be compliant with Trump and perpetuate the big lie. This noise drives away constructive communication setting up a double entendre’ of obstinate internal frozen rigomortis in their party – infecting inaction within the external body politic.

What should the Congress be doing? Congress appears to be stalemated. They were not able to enforce the “Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act” or the “Build Back Better Act”. The very puzzling reality in the White privilege psyche is that they constantly make choices based on racial motives, even if the results are detrimental to their own survival. Conservative-minded politicians mimic the calculated deception sacrificing the well-being of their own constituents, contributing to their physical demise, or perpetuating deterioration of their infrastructures.

Congressional Representatives, everywhere should focus their time and energy to increase the ratio of national and statewide Democratic representation in the next elections. This may be grounded on the political commitments they made as elected officials and the degree to which they reach out to their community masses with authentic communication. Democratic elected officials should eliminate economic and class distinctions and arrange real talk venues via direct outreach and Town-hall Meetings. They should begin immediately planning and strategizing effective ways to get everyone to the polls. Local elected officials in New York City have placed much of their attention on perpetuating Regional Development objectives centered around “Agenda 21” objectives. Again, there is limited time and space to elaborate on this issue.

What should President Biden be doing? First. Treason is Treason and they are all traitors. Especially with the recent updates on Trump discarding classified documents down the White House toilet and removing the same to his post presidential residence in Florida. There is no way to determine the number of visitors to Mara Lago who had privy access to the classified and highly classified documents.

Not to mention the secret meetings, phone calls, emails, and letters to dictators around the World. Legal circular semantics should not deny that Trump incited thousands of people to attack the Capital on January 6, 2021. Those who attacked our sacred Capitol should be placed into the Civil Authority Penal Systems. The problem is that they are located in rural areas in the Red States and were designed to be maintained by the very same people who stormed the Capital. There is nothing nice about this blatant conflict of interest and behavior. The Judiciary, Congress, and President Biden should convict them all of treason, immediately setting an example. Other countries would have not delayed the process. Otherwise, this Administration has been infected by the false show of worthless finery and tainted with the fear of Trump’s imposed retribution.

Second, President Biden should simultaneously, address the objectives of “Agenda 21” to appease, alleviate, or clarify some of the objectives. Are they real, imagined, or is the rhetoric manipulated to stir up emotions fueling mistrust, fear and violence among the subgroup of those attacking local and national representatives? Fusion of these issues can possibly lead to harmony and equilibrium. We interact with each other as Human to Human seeing the humanity among us for one another.

Active involvement in a potential war in Ukraine would economically, fuel the Military Industrial Complex and its media attention would serve as a smoke screen obscuring adequate time and attention on key nationwide, regional and local affairs.

In Solidarity, Respectfully Submitted,


Verda H. Olayinka, Author

Activating Social Solutions: Essential Keys to Progress, 2nd Ed. (2020)

Balboa Press: Balboa Press: Bloomington, IN.
