Why Pineal Pinecones?

The pulsating pineal gland is about the size of a pea, shaped like a pinecone, and located in the middle of the brain. See "Chapter 4: Melanin Revisited," Activating Social Solutions: Essential Keys to Progress, 2nd Ed. (2020)  The pineal gland helps to generate the Melanin through the bodies of Kemetic (African-Black) People. 

This website, Pinealpinecones.com and the Social Solutions Skills Camps are designed to be a welcoming and creative setting for us to put our collective thinking caps together and continue to fulfill the work of Saving-Our-Selves.  S-O-S !!!  It links to www.SaveOurSelves.me and www.SaveOurSelves.info

We want to share information that shows us activities we can do to make our lives more abundant.  Cultural Consultants Group, LP can provide “Skills Camps” for Teams of Social Solutions Change Agents Social Solutions Groups of local community members throughout the United States work on local projects targeted to improve Our Selves, Our Families, and/or Our Communities.  Let us know if you have decided on a project that is the Primary Social Goal you have set for yourselves, and we will suggest ways to achieve it with your people.

I wrote Activating Social Solutions: Essential Keys to Progress, 2nd Ed. (2020), available on Amazon, to empower, build our self-confidence, and encourage us to have the inner strength and creativity to continue working through the successful completion of any given project.  Since our evolution is like a spiral – constantly circling upwards – once finished to your satisfaction, the next step is to work with your expanded Social Solutions Group and choose another project, set another goal, then see that objective to successful completion, and so on…repeating the process evidenced by your personal and group satisfaction.  You will witness the successful completion of each project -- improving our community In Real Time.

The purpose of our work is to achieve “Well-Being.”   It is a term used in Global Health and we can tailor this objective to fulfill a reality in terms of Individual Well-Being; Family Well-Being; and/or, Community Well-Being.

We are not responding or reacting to, or being put on the defensive in discussions or accusations of “reverse racism,” or being labeled as “Black Identity Extremists.”  Our focus is “Community Well-Being.”  We are creating “Self-Help” activities to improve our lives and create personal, physical, and spiritual abundance for our Selves, our Families, and our Communities.