By Verda

          PRESS RELEASE !!!



What do we need to know to bring more people together to change the conditions of our selves our families our communities? How can we break up the social stagnation afflicting us all?

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Professor Verda H. Olayinka, author of, Activating Social Solutions: Essential Keys to Progress, 2nd Ed. (2020), will open vistas of information by providing strategies to cultivate African American Change Agents.  She calls together Everyday People to establish or enhance Social Solutions Groups to work with the people they know and resolve key challenges that impact Community Well-Being.

“Peoples of the World have been wondering about and anticipating the eventual evidence of the awakening genius of descendants of Kemet living in America.  We the Kemetic (African) American Citizens – [American Descendants of Slaves] – who have witnessed first-hand the education, technology, environmental changes, and social contradictions…are accelerating without fear or compromise as sophisticated, non-drug influenced, problem-solving innovators collectively Saving-Our-Selves and Planet Earth from human destruction.”  (p. 158-59)

Verda H. Olayinka was inspired to write, (2016) Activating Social Solutions: Essential Keys to Progress after observing the nationwide “Occupy” and “Black Lives Matter” Movements.  She was concerned that folks were demonstrating and returning home to social conditions that were the same as when they left.  The book attempts to cultivate another strategy for developing Change Agents and Social Solutions Groups that would meet in a safe space, and work with people they already know, to plan and execute local change projects.  Activating Social Solutions  provides the ground work in understanding of the role of the social sciences needed to take place in order to reinforce and ensure focused continued success.

Activating Social Solutions presents: a historical context; reinforces personal and community well-being; motivates personal commitment; as well as gives direction for focused future activities and Social Solutions Skills Camps that could bring about social change in various unique settings.

Activating Social Solutions: Essential Keys to Progress, 2nd. Ed. (2020)

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