By Verda

Synopsis     Activating Social Solutions: Essential Keys to Progress, 2nd Ed. (2020)

We begin by “Setting the record straight” clearing false public beliefs that African Americans - Descendants of Kemet Living in America - are lacking in history until the event of slavery and insist that this is just not so.  The acknowledgement of practices of white supremacy reinforces no apologies for or discussions of “reverse racism”.  In “Saggin’ the reader gets a taste of social-psychological realities to go “beyond blaming the victim”. 

Why so much hate? What makes us different? We “Re-visit Melanin” showing ways to reinforce and redirect our focus using our collective brain power.  “Ethnic Manipulation,”  is a social science case study of how our community structures are broken down and supported by federal and local mandates for the benefit of immigrants nationwide.  This demands a critical imperative for family and community cohesiveness.  “Life in our father’s house” is dedicated to the 18 million (a real non-incarcerated number) African American men and young adults over the age of 15 - who live, study, and work to support their families every day – just like our Dad. 

We who are Brilliant Beyond All Imagination have done this before and we can do it again – Gathering “Change Agents for Self-Actualization”.  Social Solutions individuals  can bring together the people they know and work on projects resolving that targeted objective.  “Activating Solutions” presents ideas for individuals and groups to adopt, as social catalysts for the greater good, while ensuring self-directed activities as we Save-Our-Selves One-by-One and All-Together.

Activating Social Solutions: Essential Keys to Progress, 2nd Ed. (2020)

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