By Verda

Community Well-Being

“Well-being” as it pertains to health came out of the United Nations where some countries included it in their definition of optimal health.  I became aware of this reality around 2004 as a consultant on an integrated physical and mental health project.  The majority of recent research in this area comes from a Global perspective.  We can easily apply this concept to inner-city development.

Local Research For Focused Change

Your Social Solutions Group of Change Agents can receive key statistical information about your chosen challenge at the local Public Library.  The Librarian can assist you in getting the background information on local statistics, local needs and deficits, information on local development plans for social and economic improvement.  Your Public Library has a data base of resources for scholarships and grants to identify availability and locations for vocational training and certification in the skilled trades.

Scaling Up to Abundance: A Kwanzaa-Kawaida Perspective

On a greater scale, this self-actualization through Self-Determination will lead us to abundance.  Experience collective wealth in control of our Cooperative Economics and business development.  We own our own businesses and hire our own employees.  Eliminate our need for externally-provided social services using our Creativity with the Purpose of taking care of our Own.  We have the skills to provide Education, Health Services, Elder Care, and our own children through Foster Care and Adoption.  Develop our own industries and set up internal trade “Caravans” between the Big Black Cities powered by Collective Work and Responsibility.  As a result of Faith in God and mutual trust we Save-Our-Selves.  Truly, in Unity there is strength!

I Serve as Your Guide as We Save-Our-Selves One-By-One and All-Together...

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From Silos to Communities

Our mission is to break down all of the silos impacting our advancement!  Let’s re-envision this reality!!! Millions of people can form millions of Social Solutions Groups that can attack millions of tremendous life challenges affecting us all.  Just choose from –  Education, Housing, Criminal Justice, Income, Job Training…There is no single way, no single city or town that has exactly the same strategy or challenge.  Members in each city know what plan would work best for them and how to make it happen.

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